InsomniHack Teaser CTF 2017 - cryptoquizz
Category: writeupsTags: insomnihack-teaser-2017 crypto
Crypto - 50 Points
Hello, young hacker. Are you ready to fight rogue machines ? Now, you’ll have to prove us that you are a genuine cryptographer.
Running on
I’ve started connecting to the service with netcat
nc 1031
The server reply with this text:
~~ Hello, young hacker. Are you ready to fight rogue machines ? ~~
~~ Now, you'll have to prove us that you are a genuine ~~
~~ cryptographer. ~~
~~ What is the birth year of Ralph Merkle ?
Connection closed by Host
Wow, this server have very very low timeout!
So I’ve searched up for Ralph Merkle birthyear (1952) and made a little script that open the connection and reply with that printing the response. This was the output
~~ Hello, young hacker. Are you ready to fight rogue machines ? ~~
~~ Now, you'll have to prove us that you are a genuine ~~
~~ cryptographer. ~~
~~ What is the birth year of Alan Turing ?
Connection closed by Host
Oh! The name is randomized so I can’t reply directly with Merkle’s birthyear. So I have to read the question, check the date and reply.
I’ve wrote a script that open the connection read the question and store the cryptographer’s name. Once I had many cryptographers birthyears I’ve develop this script that reply accordingly.
Here you can download the
And here the final session after 52 stored cryptographers
[+] Opening connection to on port 1031: Done
~~ What is the birth year of Horst Feistel ?
~~ What is the birth year of Tatsuaki Okamoto ?
~~ What is the birth year of Shafi Goldwasser ?
~~ What is the birth year of Dan Boneh ?
~~ What is the birth year of Ralph Merkle ?
~~ What is the birth year of Lars Knudsen ?
~~ What is the birth year of David Naccache ?
~~ What is the birth year of Alan Turing ?
~~ OK, young hacker. You are now considered to be a ~~