Crypto 400_1
Crypto - 400 Points
Message m has been encrypted by RSA with exponent e=3 for three users. Users have been used different modulus (n1, n2, n3 respectively). As a result 3 ciphertexts have been obtained (c1, c2, c3 respectively). Decrypt the message. The flag is a sensible text.
The given n1, n2, n3, c1, c2, c3 are reported in the script
This crypto challenge is based on the Håstad’s broadcast attack .
So by implementing the Chinese Remainder Theorem we could solve this easily
The python script FTW
#!/usr/bin/env python
e = 3
n1 = 95118357989037539883272168746004652872958890562445814301889866663072352421703264985997800660075311645555799745426868343365321502734736006248007902409628540578635925559742217480797487130202747020211452620743021097565113059392504472785227154824117231077844444672393221838192941390309312484066647007469668558141
n2 = 98364165919251246243846667323542318022804234833677924161175733253689581393607346667895298253718184273532268982060905629399628154981918712070241451494491161470827737146176316011843738943427121602324208773653180782732999422869439588198318422451697920640563880777385577064913983202033744281727004289781821019463
n3 = 68827940939353189613090392226898155021742772897822438483545021944215812146809318686510375724064888705296373853398955093076663323001380047857809774866390083434272781362447147441422207967577323769812896038816586757242130224524828935043187315579523412439309138816335569845470021720847405857361000537204746060031
c1 = 64830446708169012766414587327568812421130434817526089146190136796461298592071238930384707543318390292451118980302805512151790248989622269362958718228298427212630272525186478627299999847489018400624400671876697708952447638990802345587381905407236935494271436960764899006430941507608152322588169896193268212007
c2 = 96907490717344346588432491603722312694208660334282964234487687654593984714144825656198180777872327279250667961465169799267405734431675111035362089729249995027326863099262522421206459400405230377631141132882997336829218810171728925087535674907455584557956801831447125486753515868079342148815961792481779375529
c3 = 43683874913011746530056103145445250281307732634045437486524605104639785469050499171640521477036470750903341523336599602288176611160637522568868391237689241446392699321910723235061180826945464649780373301028139049288881578234840739545000338202917678008269794179100732341269448362920924719338148857398181962112
def chinese_remainder ( n , a ):
sum = 0
prod = reduce ( lambda a , b : a * b , n )
for n_i , a_i in zip ( n , a ):
p = prod / n_i
sum += a_i * mul_inv ( p , n_i ) * p
return sum % prod
def mul_inv ( a , b ):
b0 = b
x0 , x1 = 0 , 1
if b == 1 : return 1
while a > 1 :
q = a / b
a , b = b , a % b
x0 , x1 = x1 - q * x0 , x0
if x1 < 0 : x1 += b0
return x1
def find_invpow ( x , n ):
"""Finds the integer component of the n'th root of x,
an integer such that y ** n <= x < (y + 1) ** n.
high = 1
while high ** n < x :
high *= 2
low = high / 2
while low < high :
mid = ( low + high ) // 2
if low < mid and mid ** n < x :
low = mid
elif high > mid and mid ** n > x :
high = mid
else :
return mid
return mid + 1
flag_cubed = chinese_remainder ([ n1 , n2 , n3 ],[ c1 , c2 , c3 ])
flag = find_invpow ( flag_cubed , 3 )
print "flag: " , hex ( flag )[ 2 : - 1 ] . decode ( "hex" )
# flag: theoretical_computer_scientist_johan_torkel_hastad